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Work just got better with Uber

UberEats promotions by Monsieur Student invited you to join their Uber account. - Frais de livraison offerts pendant 1 mois (E4BFR0DF1)
- 5% déduits sur toute commande >25€ (E4BFR5)
- 10€ offerts pour une commande >50€ (GROUPORDERFR)

Pour en bénéficier le processus est simple:
1 - Rentrez votre nom + prénom + adresse email + téléphone utilisé sur votre compte Uber actuel
2 - Vous recevrez un email afin de vous connecter au compte Monsieur Student
3 - Ensuite, renseignez les codes promotions dans l'application
4 - Basculez sur votre nouveau profil Monsieur Student à chaque commande pour bénéficier de vos réductions
Enter your existing Uber account’s phone number to skip some steps.
Have questions? Call us.


By clicking "Next", you agree to Uber's Terms and acknowledge the Privacy Notice, and that Uber may share details of your trips and meals charged to your business profile with this organization and other third parties at the organization's direction, including in the event of safety-related incidents.

Get more out of your business trips and meals

  • Unlock benefits and earn rewards

    Get personal rewards when you travel for work and perks from partners like Marriott BonvoyTM and American Express. Terms apply.
  • Simplify expensing

  • Separate work and personal costs
